NTAG Ohio River Valley is one of 13 Navy Talent Acquisition Groups which make up Navy Recruiting Region East.
Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, NTAG Ohio River Valley operates 56 Navy Recruiting Stations and four Navy Officer Recruiting Stations. NTAG Ohio River Valley is divided into nine teams called divisions that cover Ohio and parts of Kentucky, Indiana and West Virginia.
The enlisted and officer recruiters, as well as a support staff of military and civilian personnel, take their duty and responsibility seriously to provide the highest quality Sailors possible, officer and enlisted, to successfully carry out our Navy's vital mission. Each and every day we actively and aggressively seek out those individuals who possess the unique skills, dedication, and professionalism required to "man battle stations" of tomorrow and strive for excellence in every facet of our lives, both on and off duty.
Professionalism, enthusiasm, pride, and military bearing are our guiding principles. The Navy's core values of honor, courage, and commitment are our way of life.
Reporting Aboard
When arriving to the NTAG Ohio River Valley area, report in Service Dress Blues or Service Dress Whites. All newly reporting personnel report to your ultimate duty assignment, your sponsor will escort you to NTAG Ohio River Valley headquarters to check-in with the admin office. The administration office's phone number is 614-565-3101.
If you are reporting for recruiting duty, the Chief Recruiter will determine your ultimate recruiting station assignment.
Government Leased Housing
To allow for a smooth transition, requests for Government Leased Housing (GLH) should be submitted prior to your reporting onboard. The entire application process can be completed online by clicking here.
Family Readiness
NTAG Ohio River Valley's Ombudsman
The Navy Family Ombudsman advocates for family members and are communications links, information and referral resources. Appointed by the commanding officer, command ombudsmen are volunteers and spouses of service members within the command. As an official command representative, the ombudsman is a point of contact for all family members connected to the command - including spouses, parents, and extended family members. The Ombudsman Code of Ethics guarantees professionalism and confidentiality, within program guidelines. Each ombudsman program is owned by the commanding officer and will be unique to the command's size and needs.
How can an Ombudsman help me?
Navy Family Ombudsmen are key resources for family members, particularly during deployments. Ombudsmen maintain current resource files with information on military and civilian community agencies that can help families solve a variety of problems, and successfully meet the challenges they face before, during, and after deployments. In addition to providing referral information, Ombudsmen can facilitate communication between the Command and family members. Ombudsmen may publish or contribute to command newsletters or maintain care lines, which have recorded messages with information for command families that can be accessed 24 hours a day. Ombudsmen can also assist families in contacting the Command for a variety of reasons.
How can I Find My Ombudsman?
NTAG Ohio River Valley has an Ombudsman based out of the Columbus area able to answer many questions
Ombudsman –NTAGORVNorthombudsman@gmail.com