Welcome Aboard
We congratulate you on becoming a member of one of the finest and brightest recruiting teams of the nation. Whether you are assigned duties as a recruiter or as a member of the support staff, we welcome you to one of the most challenging and rewarding assignments in the Navy. We hope that you will accept the challenge and the hard work necessary to become a member of our outstanding team of recruiters and support personnel.
Your sponsor will be providing you with much of the information that is needed in making your transition to the area, as well as assisting you with any immediate transportation that may be needed once you have arrived. Please keep your sponsor advised of your leave address, travel plans and anticipated arrival date.
If you have not been assigned a sponsor yet, or would like us to send you a welcome aboard package, please contact one of our Sponsor Coordinators at 463-203-4345 or 306-391-7659
Reporting Aboard
The Chief Recruiter will determine your ultimate recruiting station and will notify you through an official Navy message.
If you are assigned to a recruiting station in the state of Alaska you will have a intermediate stop at NTAG Pacific Northwest Headquarters, located on the fourth floor at 1531 Utah Avenue. South, Suite 300, Seattle, Wash., 98134, in your dress uniform prior to reporting to your assigned recruiting station.
Sailors assigned to recruiting stations in the states of Washington, Idaho, and Montana will report directly to their recruiting station by their report-no-later-than date.
Government Leased Housing
To allow for a smooth transition, requests for Government Leased Housing (GLH) should be submitted prior to your reporting onboard. The entire application process can be completed online by clicking here.
Family Readiness
Selected by the commanding officer, your Ombudsman is a spouse of a member of the command who voluntarily serves as an official liaison between the command and its families. As a spouse, it's important to get acquainted with your local Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is not a counselor or a social worker, but can show you the direct route toward finding solutions by helping you get the assistance you need. To contact the Command Ombudsman please email Queenie Karlik at nrswaid@gmail.com or contact Lori Jones by email at nrsakmt@gmail.com.