Welcome to the Navy Talent Acquisition Group Empire State Team and congratulations on your selection for one of the Navy's most important and challenging assignments! Recruiting is a unique duty assignment, one where your contributions directly affect our Navy's ability to man the Fleet and be fully mission ready every day. It requires strong, motivated men and women who embrace unique challenges and believe in the opportunity our Navy has to offer other deserving young adults.
Now, let me tell you about the team you are joining. Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Empire State extends from New York to New Jersey. We are roughly 200 military and civilian members strong, manning a Headquarters in Garden City, New York and approximately 35 recruiting stations.
NTAG Empire State is in TRICARE Region East. TRICARE Prime "Remote" is appropriate for active duty members assigned to NTAG Empire State. Some Recruiters will not be near a military Medical Treatment Facility. The command also has a Health Benefits Advisor (HBA) available to help answer your TRICARE questions and assist you with all TRICARE related issues. The HBA can be reached by contacting Headquarters and asking for the current HBA contact information.
You are required to report to NTAG Empire State Headquarters for check-in processing. The entire process will take approximately one week to complete. It is important you bring your original orders, P-File, supporting personnel documentation and receipts. Your completed travel claim will be forwarded to Personal Support Detachment (PSD) Groton, CT. The PSD is approximately 132 miles away and the majority of business is conducted through email.
I strongly encourage you to find a residence within a reasonable commuting distance from your assigned station. Traffic in New York is like nowhere else. What may have been a "reasonable" distance at another station may not be as reasonable in New York. Often a 20 mile drive can take upwards of 90 minutes. Reach out to your sponsor for assistance. If you have yet to be assigned a sponsor, reach out to the sponsorship coordinator at the following email address: NTAG_Empire_State_CR_Sponsor@us.navy.mil. You may also use this email address to reach out to the Chief Recruiter as well. Contact the Chief Recruiter as soon as possible at (901) 482-0838 to negotiate your Ultimate Duty Assignment (UDA). It is imperative that you do so prior to attending training at Navy Recruiting Orientation Unit (NORU). It is highly recommended that you do not purchase a home or sign a lease until your UDA is confirmed.
Getting settled in the area and getting acclimated to the recruiting mission can be stressful, especially on your families. I highly recommend that you reach out to the Command Ombudsman with your contact information and the contact information of your family members prior to your arrival. The Command Ombudsman email address is ntagempirestateombudsman2023@gmail.com. The phone number is (516) 281-6017.
Finally, for any concerns you can always reach out direct to the Command Master Chief for assistance at NTAG_Empire_State_CMC@us.navy.mil.
Again, welcome to NTAG Empire State!
Commander Elliott P. Skiles
Commanding Officer, NRD New York
Reporting Aboard
When arriving to the NTAG Empire State area, report in the uniform of the day to Navy Talent Acquisition Group Empire State, 990 Stewart Avenue, Suite 220, Garden City, New York 11530. All newly reporting personnel (regardless of your ultimate station assignment) must begin check-in at the Admin Office at headquarters. If you are reporting for recruiting duty, the Chief Recruiter will determine your ultimate recruiting station assignment.
Government Leased Housing
To allow for a smooth transition, requests for Government Leased Housing (GLH) should be submitted prior to your reporting onboard. The entire application process can be completed online by clicking here.
BAH Rates
1. NTAG Empire State Telephone Numbers:
Commanding Officer: (516) 683-2502
Executive Officer: (516) 683-2501
Command Master Chief: (516) 683-2532
Chief Recruiter: (901) 482-0838
Administrative Officer: (516) 683-2518 or (516) 683-2508
Command Duty Officer: (516) 250-3656
SAPR: 718-744-5037 or SAPR help line number: (800)-253-0931
Drug and Alcohol: (516) 314-8134 or dial 988
Public Affairs/Community Outreach: 516-683-2506
Since no government messing or quarters available, all personnel will draw BAS and BAH.
3. Pay.
The servicing PSD is located in Groton, CT, which is a two hour drive from the District Headquarters in Garden City, NY.
4. Apartment/Housing Availability
In most areas throughout the district there is an abundance of housing available for rent or purchase. Your sponsor will include information on apartment renting or housing availability specific to the area you may wish to settle.
5. Utilities.
Will be incurred when establishing a residence and may vary based on local area utility requirements, so plan accordingly.
6. Rental deposits.
Most apartment complexes and rental homes require one month's rent, one month security deposit, and a broker's fee. This could total the equivalent of three months' rent.
7. Uniforms.
NTAG Empire State's uniform policies are governed by Commander, Navy Region Mid Atlantic. Naval Weapons Station Earle has limited uniform items (NWUs, PT, etc.). The nearest major Naval installation where all uniforms may be purchased is Naval Submarine Base, Groton, CT. Use of the Navy Uniform Center is highly recommended. Their number is (860) 446-5400 or go online at www.mynavyexchange.com. Ensure you have a sufficient amount of uniforms prior to reporting to NTAG Empire State.
8. Working Hours.
Though working hours may vary, the normal working hours are - Support personnel: 0830-1730 and Recruiters: 0900-1800.
9. Medical/Dental/TRICARE.
Medical/Dental facilities are provided through TRICARE Prime Remote for most personnel. Prior to reporting, contact our HBA by calling Headquarters and asking for the current contact information.
10. School/Adult Education.
There are vast educational opportunities throughout New York through public and private schools as well as Universities and Community Colleges. Consistent with workload, all personnel are encouraged to further their education.
11. Childcare
Military Childcare in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN) is a fee assistance program that keeps affordable child care in reach for eligible families. It’s intended for families who cannot access military-operated care due to distance or waitlists. With fee assistance, a portion of your child care cost is paid to reduce the cost of using community-based care. The goal is to make it easier for you to afford quality child care from local community providers when you cannot access military care.
MCCYN is available to Navy active duty members, Navy Reservists on active duty, and Navy civilians who:
- Are stationed at an installation that has been pre-identified as fee assistance eligible, or
- Do not live near a DoD installation with a Child and Youth program.
If married, your spouse must be employed, actively seeking employment, or a full-time student.
Fee assistance is available to:
- Families stationed within the continental United States, Hawaii, and Alaska.
- Children from birth through age 12.
Below are additional links to resources:
Military Child Care Resources | Military OneSource
Home | MCC Central (disa.mil)
Child Care Financial Assistance for Military Families | Childcare.gov
MCCYN Navy | MCC Central (disa.mil)